
    Friday, January 8, 2010

    Bali Adventure

    Just imagine spending the weekend on a magical, tropical escape. A lush tropical setting, the most amazing and peculiar creatures, sunny hours that seem to go on forever and that calm, satisfied bliss that comes over you when you finally settle down to rest after an afternoon of excited activity and think of what a wonderful world we live in.

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    Hope your weekend takes you to beautiful places - perhaps through art, books,
    films or just your own imagination.



    These beautiful images warm me on a sunny absolutely frigid morning in Connecticut. I love the mountains in Bali. the vegetation, the temples, the slow soft gentle life...enchanting. Your post is taking me back to one of my favorite places in the world..thank you


    I love this post -- the way you've interspersed images from the fashion world with the hotel photos is incredible. It gives such a feel for Bali. I've never been and now think I need to put it on my list of places to travel to.


    I enjoyed seeing this post and the previous one you posted on Bali. I currently live in Bali and it is definitely filled with lush, captivating settings, various unique foods and wonderful sunsets. I have several photos on flickr from Life in Bali you can find via my blog.
    Thanks again.


    This is such a heart-warming post! I love elephants and these images are so sweet! Thank you for allowing me to visit. Come on over to my blog anytime!
    Stacy Mayer


    I love your thoughts on taking an adventure through a book, film, or imagination :) It's nice to be reminded that our happiness is always close within reach.

    Happy Weekend,


    What beautiful memories Francine and how lucky to have been able to spend some time there.

    Anna - lucky thing! Off to check out your photos on Flickr, can`t wait to see what beautiful things you`ve captured

    Stacy, thank you for the comment and invitation to visit you!

    Crystal - definitely! I always like to think a good time is just a few happy memories or funny thoughts away. As long as you have a good imagination, you can be happy anywhere.

    Hope you`re all having a lovely weekend!


    What a beautiful post. The pictures are lovely. The bedroom and bath are incredible. I love imagining going to far off places and thinking about new things. Fabulous concept!
    Paula Grace


    Such amazing photos, loving your blog new design too! xo


    Just adored this post, the Estate shots interspersed with the fashion shots... Wonderful.
    love Elisabeth Toll


    What lovely images and clothes. Love the first dress especially.


    These photos are amazing!


    the bali photographs are beautiful and work perfectly with the elizabeth toll editorial

    Katinka said...

    I love the elephant photographs, simply amazing!


    Hi, first time on your blog.
    Fantastic pics, look like a dream.
    Congratulations on your post.